Art Healing Veterans
New York Times, Tuesday, March 28,2017:
The article “A Lifeline For Veterans” is a wonderful glimpse at an immense topic. Perhaps better spelled …”Life-Line”…When people who suffer with PTSD access creative arts therapies (art therapy) a creative pathway (lifeline) to spiritual energy is opened up. Simply put it is this energy that has the power to mitigate and heal trauma as it facilitates the transformation of spirit.
How it does this may seem abstract, but actually is quite logical IF you do the research and take the time to fully understand the processes at work.
For you consideration, excerpted from my second book Quantum Correlations:
How Creating Art Heals and Evolves Our Spirit.
Chapter 10
The Spiritual Fuel Of Inspiration
Don’t play what’s there, play what’s not there. —Miles Davis
Where Does The Inspiration Come From To Participate In The Creative Process
The spiritual energy of inspiration comes from the universe—the cosmological forces commonly referred to as universal energy, of which there are many dimensions. For example, gravity, electrical energy, magnetic energy, nuclear energy—all of these can be understood as star energy, which is a prime force involved in the creation of the countless universes, solar systems, and planets that we know exist. In fact, all life on our planet exists because of the energy from our main star, the Sun (i.e., sunlight), working together with the other elements that are present (Long, 1984).
Photonic Energy
The energy of the Sun, commonly referred to as light, is composed of subatomic particles called photons. Photonic energy is well documented in the literature as one form of energy that acts as a catalyst. Sunlight influences many processes on the planet (Jones and Flaxman, 2012).
When photonic energy enters our atmosphere, it influences all of life—from the trees that grow in the soil, to the fish that live underwater, to our own human hearts. Without sunlight, we would perish.
This energy is easily visible and understandable by anyone who has ever witnessed a rainbow. When light (photonic energy) passes through the moisture droplets in our sky, it is refracted into the seven colors of the rain- bow the same way every time—no exceptions. As said earlier, it is ALWAYS expressed as the seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
What this shows us, through our human gift of visualization or sight, is that within the frequency of light we can perceive, those seven colors have something to do with who we are. We have come to equate the symbol of the rainbow with optimism, hope, and goodness.
There are people who believe that these are the colors of the energetic auras that surround our physical bodies. ere are people who believe that these are the colors of the chakra energy centers inside of our bodies. I believe that it is all of the above and beyond—these are the seven tones that regulate our emotional and spiritual existence.
Understanding the powerful influence of light, broken down into its seven basic tones, helps one see how this works on a physical level. I believe that these seven tones relate to our seven endocrine glands, which are constantly in motion, regulating our existence and channeling photonic energy—the impulse to be alive—our life force.
The burning question is how do human beings access this life force, given the diversity in culture, race, religion, and physical and mental forms?
Ed Regensburg, LCAT
Clinical Art Psychotherapist, Creative Sanctuary with Ed Regensburg, LCAT