Mental Health Services Of Light
We are in unprecedented times…maybe. Its easy to blame our institutions for the lack of clarity in designing and delivering competent, affordable mental healthcare for all of our citizens. We certainly contribute plenty of resources towards the financing of our systems, and many people have argued if we removed the profit motive, we have more than enough money in the system to cover all costs for everyone. What a concept.
However there were times in our past when mental health clinics didn’t exist as we know them. People had to find “alternatives” to seeing a “doctor”. We could talk for a long time about our historical experiences from bloodletting to peyote…but there has always existed a 100% All Natural, No Charge methodology to access our innate healing ability.
For your consideration from my first book Quantum Imagery, Why Creating Art Heals Us…
Chapter 9
Imagery Expression (Art)
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einstein
While there are many paths to wellness, I have found the most significant way of achieving a sustained state of wellness is through the process of creating high-frequency visual imagery, commonly referred to as art.
In my experience, this works for everyone who is willing to participate. However, if there is any disease state at work that requires therapeutic intervention, a properly trained clinical art psychotherapist can facilitate the creative process of art making and help the integration of the emotional body.
The more people do art “correctly,” which simply means doing it from an authentic, spiritual place, the faster and more intensely they can access joy and open the door to wellbeing. The more they do it, the more they have access. Over time, our bodies are encoded to return to this state more easily, requiring less dramatic input or intervention as we become conditioned to naturally return to emotional homeostasis with less and less “reminders” or prompts.
For every time the expression takes place, a portal to life’s creative energy is opened, and we assume the role of a creator as our subconscious is imprinted through symbolic forms and timeless vibrational frequency—which changes our neurological pathways and DNA coding. This is sort of like downloading a computer software update. Actually, it’s exactly like that.
That is why I define Art as A.R.T., “authentic retinal titillation,” which means that there is authentic spiritual stimulation to the retina of the eye. The effect is even beyond stimulation…it’s actually an excitement or increase of vibrational activity.
The primary reason this occurs lies in acknowledging the reality that all artistic media (as well as everything else on the planet) consists of molecules of light, or photonic energy, that have been slowed down to the point of solidity.
We may have a red crayon in our hand, but I think of it as a piece of red- lightwave vibrational frequency. When we use this “frozen light stick,” we connect to our spiritual composition, download information from the cosmos (such as DNA updates), and interact with this information, which transforms our current emotional / intellectual wavelengths. The parallel of our emotions to the wavelength of color and relative density of the media (i.e., clay has a lower vibration than the fluidity of paint) is where the connection begins. It then spirals upward into the higher, finer vibrational waves, transforming our internal E-Motions, which in turn re-regulate and evolve our endocrine functions for our utmost and true potentials. In this way, we co-create our existence in harmony with the natural world and all of its inhabitants.
When art is made with the goal of integrating and balancing the seven colors of the rainbow, in all its myriad and infinite tonalities, into a resolved image, not only is the art resolved, but so is the person. For example, there are many different reds, and each one has a different emotional counterpart—say, a bright fiery, life-affirming red versus a darker more internally bruised red. There are much finer nuances and variations to this.
Ed Regensburg, LCAT
Clinical Art Psychotherapist, Creative Sanctuary with Ed Regensburg, LCAT