Starlight Healing
Today’s New York Times has an interesting article on page B12 Outdoors (in the Sports section)…”3,000 Feet of Granite: No Way Down But Up”. The article is about Alex Honnold, a rock climber who just successfully completed an “incomprehensible” free solo (no net, no rope) ascent of El Capitan…Yosemite’s granite walled mountain.
Alex talks about the feat was half physical and half mental. He says… “But the mental side is the bigger unknown. That’s the part where you just imagine the whole experience and process it for a long time and then wait until you’re ready”.
What a way to acknowledge that what we humans do in this life is much a “mental” activity. Imagining, or our imagination is our innate ability to see images and actually go on an internal journey with them …until we are ready to put their power to work in a physical way.
So the question quickly becomes “Just exactly what is this thing we call imagery…why do we have this gift…and what are we supposed to do with it?”
For your consideration, excerpted from my second book Quantum Correlations, Chapter 7, Image Generation…page 59
You don’t paint the way someone, by observing your life, thinks you have to paint. You paint the paint the way you have to in order to give, that’s life itself…When you have finished giving, the look surprises you as well as anybody else.
—Franz Kline (1910–1962)
The way human beings interact wIth our external environment is through our senses, meaning they are the way we perceive, feel, and understand all of reality as it is represented to us from light waves. The main way these light waves are consciously perceivable is through our eyes. Our ability to see/visualize imagery is a primary pathway we use to connect to the physical world outside our body, but also the worlds inside our body (that’s interoception) such as the perceptions of smell, hearing, and tactile sensations.
Therefore, our eye functions as a major gateway or portal between the world outside of us and the world inside of us.
By simply shutting our eyelids, we can completely wipe out any external world at all on a visual level; meanwhile, opening our eyelids can totally move consciousness to an external place. What passes through our eyes are light waves, or photonic energy in its pure form. Literally, billions of photonic particles (neutrinos) pass through our eyes every day (Jones and Flaxman, 2012).
So think about it for a moment—every color you see outside of you, whether it be the green of a leaf, the blue of water, the red and oranges of a sunset, or the browns and grays of trees are all variations of the seven primary tones of the rainbow. What happens when these tones or colors pass through your eye and go inside of you?
Science informs us that the rods and cones in the back of our eyeball receive this light wave information and then transfer it to our optic nerve, which carries it to our brain. e brain then processes all this light frequency information and synthesizes it all into a useful form of information, which we call imagery, meaning the pictures we see in our minds, commonly referred to as our imagination; as well as the pictures we see outside of us—the real world.
Therefore, the primary purpose of our eye is to allow for communication between our inner and outer worlds.
What’s important is that we recognize the brain takes in this information through the eye and then sends out signals via electrical, hormonal, and neurological path- ways into our body (Regensburg, 2013).
So What Does This Have To Do With Healing?
Even if your eyes are closed, light particles still penetrate through your skin. We are literally bathed in light each day.
If we accept that the eye is acting like a doorway for all kinds of light frequency vibration to reach us in our deepest interior level, what’s happening inside of our bodies, down to the cellular and intracellular level?
According to Bruce Atkins (2013), it appears that these light frequencies are the first step in what could be described as human photosynthesis. Light is interacting with the universes within us, and it is also interacting with universes immediately outside of us. And beyond that, light goes into the multitude of universes we refer to as the cosmos at large. We could say we are “echoing starlight.”
This light is interacting with our energy centers, or chakras. Think of the chakras as digital processors, just like in a computer. Some people have a large hard drive while others have large RAM. In every aspect, different people are able to process things at different speeds, and download applications, etc. The download speed of the retina according to research is ten million bits per second (which is close to Ethernet speed). This helps us understand how different people process their lives at different speeds, intensity, and levels of comprehension. A large dimension of this processing occurs through the visual images we encounter, both inside and outside of our minds. Again, this is commonly referred to as visualization, which is the ability to see images inside of one’s mind. This is intimately connected to the thing we call our imagination (McLean, Freed, Segev, and Berry III, 2006).
A better way to begin to talk about imagination might be image generation. All people have the ability to generate or create images inside their minds.These are affected by images that are perceived and taken in from the out- side world through the eyes. What’s amazing is that even before we attempt to analyze or understand their source or their meaning and consequence upon our lives, we need to acknowledge there is a superhighway of images we call our imagination, which travels inside of every- body, all the time, and around the world at any given moment. I call this the Streaming. (Author’s note: I named it the Streaming in approximately 1982, well before personal computers and the current usage of the word became part of our vernacular).
If this highway of images (our imagination) is active inside everyone all the time, and we understand everyone has the capability to artistically express these images, which are laden with emotions ranging from intense levels of conflict and anger to harmony and peace, we have an incredibly powerful process at our disposal.
Can you imagine how profound it would be if everyone in the world chose to express these images in a peaceful, non- violent way? How profound would the effect be on the world?
Lets heal the world!
Ed Regensburg, LCAT
Clinical Art Psychotherapist, Creative Sanctuary with Ed Regensburg, LCAT