What Is Healing?
Okay, so exactly what is this thing we call healing? Maybe a good idea is to focus in on the difference between the physical body and the mental health body. Can you find one?
Obviously almost all of us understand our physical body is tangible. We can see and touch it, it touches other things and people and acts as a sensory detector and processor, right?
Then our mental health body must be the intangible body. The one we can’t see or touch, but it touches other things and people…and some people even report seeing it. Now how can this be?
Perhaps take a deep breath…and after a few try to realize that there may not be a difference between the physical and the mental bodies. Better stated, we as homo sapiens are a complicated organism with both tangible and intangible dimensions, and healing is a word that very rarely ever gets defined in a conversation, which is why it is so mysterious to most folks. It means “To make whole”.
All healing is spontaneous. Think about it…if you get a cut on your hand do you ask it to heal? Does the body just know what to do quite naturally? We can help the healing process by cleaning a cut, using an antibiotic ointment and applying a band aid, but the actually healing…”making us whole” seems to happen by itself!
What if this what happens when we are not feeling well emotionally? If you get depressed or anxious…or both? Do we just let ourselves heal naturally or do we intervene with psychotherapy, medications, yoga, meditation, art therapy, etc., etc., etc. If healing is spontaneous then how does it work and what is our role in the process?
There are thousands of books, articles, workshops, courses, etc. that attempt to help us understand how to heal, but mostly they are all tools to help us feel empowered, not actually heal us. The healing we do ourselves all the time, usually silently, spontaneously and curiously in a bit of a mysterious way. Our bodies and minds are made up of the same elements found throughout our universe….stardust. Not actually all dust, but hoping you can realize that we are not made up of molecules, compounds, or substances that do not exist elsewhere. We are the cosmos on a smaller scale, charged with obeying the natural laws of the universe, and when we don’t we get sick and need to enter into the healing cycle, for which we were designed.
This can be understood better if we use a model. That model is the science of quantum physics. Perhaps the following quotation from Lynne McTaggert says it best:
“In the field of quantum physics, the most recent research has shown that the universe is the result of a dynamic process in which the basic elements that constitute everything we see and touch are in a constant state of exchange.
This means that rather than our bodies and everything around us being a combination of self-contained atoms and molecules, it all exists in a kind of cosmic soup that is perpetually being stirred.
In other words, it provides further evidence that quite literally everything is at its essence only One thing — a single organism of interconnected energy fields in a constant state of becoming.
This proves that contrary to the assumptions of Sir Issac Newton and Charles Darwin, we are not in competition with each other for survival, but have instead been dependent upon collaboration and connection to evolve as far as we have, and it is unequivocally the path forward for our species.
These discoveries, along with other discoveries in biology and the social sciences, have underscored the reality that each of us is considerably more powerful and important than may be at all obvious to most of us.
The key to changing that perception lies in shifting our focus and our awareness to the proof that is all around us of just how tied together we truly are with everything else, and then beginning to develop the untapped powers we hold within us to more actively stimulate our personal and collective evolution.”
This not religious, but it may qualify as spiritual. We are creatures of energy, as all of life is. When our energy is off, not in alignment with nature’s design we experience not being able to function “normally”. This is a signal to re-calibrate ourselves and return to a state of homeostasis…within ourselves, with others and with the planet Earth. So healing is quite a big idea….if we want to take full responsibility for it.
But its so hard! Yes, it is.To become aware that our DNA holds the potential for many varying states of consciousness, with the polarity of love and hate as a prime duality…we have to work hard to resist evil and support joy. When we do we open the doors and have access to the healing currents of life and the universe. This is commonly called creativity. And when we ride the currents of creativity we align with the intrinsic healing powers inside us, let what is “wrong with us” fall by the wayside and allow spontaneous healing and wellbeing to manifest.
Ed Regensburg
Board Certified Art Therapist, ATR-BC
IACT Certified Hypnotherapist, CHt.
NYS Licensed Art Educator , K-12
Phone: (631) 493-0933
Email: eareg@optonline.net