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Adult Therapy

Adult Therapy Services

Adult Therapist

Adult therapy helps explore and improve emotional, and behavioral functioning. I provide adult therapy and psychotherapy, including individuals with special needs. My unique approach utilizes both verbal and creative arts techniques. This combination is particularly effective with people struggling with anxiety, depression, self esteem, socialization, focus and concentration.

I have been practicing adult therapy at Creative Sanctuary for over 40 years, caring for adults and children

Psychotherapy and counseling usually rely on verbal expression (words) alone for emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual information. There are feelings and perceptions that exist in all people, that words cannot always adequately describe. In cases where a person may not be able to use words effectively, the challenge for expression becomes more significant.

I provide the context for unlimited healing, growth and transformation for anyone, especially for those circumstances that seem overwhelming and unusually challenging .

Please view my policies and call for additional information or to make an appointment.


What is Anxiety and Depression?

Anxiety Brain

Anxiety and depression disorders afflict millions every year.  Anxiety is defined as a generalized sense of dread.   Depression is the result of loss and feelings of hopelessness.  Both can be debilitating conditions and both can be treated.


Anxiety is really a “signal” that something is out of balance.  Often it involves a fearful response to something real or imagined.  The clinical term for the most common kind of anxiety is generalized anxiety disorder. Other anxiety disorders include panic attacks, phobias, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

A person with anxiety can be on edge, tense, and may have a hard time calming their inner self. They may appear calm on the outside, but on the inside they remain a bundle of nerves, easily set off, scared or stressed.


Depression is a condition in which a person can feel:

  • Discouraged
  • Sad
  • Hopeless
  • Unmotivated
  • Disinterested in life

When these feelings last for a short period of time, it may be a case of “the blues.”  But when such feelings last for more than two weeks and interfere with daily activities such as taking care of family, spending time with friends, or going to work or school, it may be a more serious issue.

What I Can Do To Help

Are you or someone you know coping with anxiety and/or depression? I am a psychotherapist and art therapist who has successfully treated adults and children for over 40 years across a wide variety of clinical diagnoses including many with anxiety and depression.  My philosophy centers on the understanding that emotions, both conscious and unconscious, are often the drivers of all behaviors.  If you facilitate the correct expression of emotion, you can bring about balance, self regulation, and develop powerful insights that can change behavior.

Adult Therapy

In both anxiety and depression the first step in treatment is to creatively release emotions and reduce stress levels. Once we begin to regain balance, we can work together to understand what brought about the condition, learn new coping strategies, and restore well being.

Creativity & Psychotherapy

Traditional psychotherapy is usually a verbal only process whereby you, the patient need to talk about the issues that bother or are problematic for you in your current present day life. Usually it involves you having to remember or re-visit your past familial  and environmental history to the extent possible from conscious recall.

Add to that the feelings, thoughts and perceptions from your early childhood existence that are so vague or stored in your unconscious, it is easy to understand why it is such a difficult and laborious process, yielding questionable long term results.

Mindfulness Techniques

But, using analytic, verbal skills and of CBT, DBT to address the above seamlessly integrated with mindfulness based imagery we have access to your dreams, feelings and other sensory perceptions that complement your conscious recall. This means that along with talking all you have to do is use the “tools of the artist”, even if you have No Talent Whatsoever (which is simply not true) to express yourself in real time. By being able to analyze and understand your imagery, I will help you identify the forces at work that are creating conflict and help you resolve them, completely. 

Using therapeutic mindfulness techniques you will be learning how to access your ever deepening brain wave frequencies, leading you to the seat of your soul. When you arrive at the deepest level (delta) you have the opportunity to connect with your spiritual energy system like never before. As conscious awareness unlocks the door to your spiritual power, old behaviors melt way and clear, conscious decisions can now be made to chart the direction you want for your life.

This matters not whether you have clear goals or not, want to heal from and modify your interpersonal relationships or not, achieve more success in business or not, contribute to the ever widening group of human being who seek more peace and love in their life and the world at large.

If you have been searching for a Long Island therapist and need assistance, I can help you.

Office: (631) 493-0933

Mobile: (516) 652-4361

My fees are reasonable and affordable for most individuals and families.